Overview - Using Announcements

Announcements are messages that can contain links, images, and other rich text features.  These messages are often displayed on the LMS home page (though they can be used on any portal page) during a time period that you specify.  They can also be mapped to target audiences, in much the same way that learning resources are mapped.

A single user can be in the audience for multiple announcements.  Depending on the announcement widget selected, multiple announcements will display in a vertical list or will rotate.  The announcement with the most recent start date will be displayed first in the list.

The Company Administrator access and the System Admin View menu option are usually required to access this function.  Your organization's LMS access and permissions may differ from this standard.  Please contact your organization's Company Administrator if you have questions about your access to the LMS.  You must have access to all of the target audience you wish to map for an announcement.

Using announcements enables you to: